
Syntek has a strong team of engineers that has experience in designing electronic circuits and integrated circuits. Together with our capability in Apps development. We can develop fantastic Appcessory fulfilling your ultimate requirements. Communication between Apps and accessories can be done in three methods describe in the following section.

Via infra-red dongle

The App sends audio signals to the Infra-red(IR) dongle. These signals are then converted to infra-red signals. The toy performs actions according to the signal received. This allows one-way communication from the App to the toy.

Via Audio jack

Commands are encoded and modulated into special audio signals. These signals pass between the App and the toy through the audio jack. Bi-directional communication allows interactive applications.

Via tone detection

Special inaudible tones are generated from the Toy. These tones can be received by the microphone on the phone and decoded by the App. The app performs actions according to the tones received. This allows one-way communication from the toy to the App.