USB Missile Launcher

This rocket launcher connects to your Windows or Mac via USB. Install the included software, plug in the Rocket Launcher, and with 360 degree horizontal rotation and 45 degree vertical rotation, the USB Rocket Launcher can fire over six meters, giving you coverage for over 113 square meters of your workspace.

Webmail Notifier

This USB Webmail Notifier connects to your private email account when you can not, and let's you know what is going on! It suports gmail, yahoo, outlook, outlook express and POP3 account and it works in the background to inform you every time you receive a personal email and even the capacity of unread emails! In addition, every new mail will be Illuminated soft light and associated with a sound.

Phantom Keystroker

The Keystroker emulates a keyboard and mouse and periodically makes random mouse movements, toggles caps-lock and types out odd garbage text and phrases. Switches on the side allow you to choose between keyboard garbage typing, caps lock-toggle, annoying mouse movements or all three.

Facebook Like Notifier

The like notifier lights up you whenever your friends like, comments or tags you on Facebook. Various lights effect can be configured in the software provided.